Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's ritual..a la Rosanna


You will Need:
*   wholesome delicious food
*   chocolate
*   hammocks/ beanbags/ outdoor couches/other comfortable non-flammable seating apparatus
*   citronella candles
*   mosquito repellant
*   fire
*   paper and pens
*   art supplies
*   one or more beautiful people
*   an open heart

NB Each person is entitled to engage and participate to whatever extent they feel comfortable.

1.     find a beautiful, quiet place under the stars.
2.    Light a fire (remember to check any fire bans that may apply in your area- safety first ;)
3.    Prepare delicious food and beverages.
4.    Eat and drink delicious food and beverages.
5.    Ensure that chocolate is available for snacking on throughout the night.

PART ONE: Reflecting on the year past
9.00 Begin the ritual in whatever way you deem appropriate (eg. Meditation, hugging, standing on your head etc)
9.15 Write down on a piece of paper 3 things that have caused you shame, anger, frustration, or anxiety that you choose to let go of.

NB Each individual may choose to share these or keep them to themselves. And by no means is anyone to judge what they write down.

9.45 Write down on another piece of paper 3 things that you have been most grateful for from the year past.

PART TWO: Looking ahead to the future
10.00 Decide on one thing that you choose to be your primary focus for the coming year (eg. Forgiveness, compassion, loving-kindness, physical or mental health, connection, overcoming fear, patience etc.)
10.15 Create a piece of art that expresses what this means to you which you will keep in plain sight to remind you for the rest of the year. Use whatever medium fits best with your focus (eg painting, drawing, jewelry making, woodcarving etc.)
11.00 Write down on another piece of paper 3 things that you wish for people in your life.
11.30 Write down on another piece of paper three things that you wish for yourself.

Part 3: Consummation of the ritual.
11.50 Collect together the pieces of paper and prepare to burn them in whatever way is most meaningful to you. eg
*   burn the first two before midnight and the second two after; Or
*   burn each of them in the ten seconds prior to midnight; Or
*   burn them altogether on the stroke of midnight.
You can complete the ritual in whatever way you choose (eg. Mediation, chanting, grooving, howling etc.)

Now you have gratefully fare-welled the previous year and gently received the coming year. 

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