Sunday, July 31, 2011

Young Chefs

These young chefs were participating in a master class at the Farmer's Market. Our first time at the market, we loved the variety and freshness of the food and gourmet delights.

I can see your future clearly

Dressed to the nines we enjoyed ourselves immensely at the Guide Dogs Ball, participating in all the activities which included a card reading clairvoyant, fishing for prizes, dress up camera booth, and quoits.
As usual Andrew ripped it up on the dance floor and everyone is feeling a little weary today.

Queen of Narnia

Tess looked so gorgeous dressed up for the Pembroke formal that she was crowned Queen of Narnia at the event. Jason didn't look too bad either.

Dylan Moran

Dylan you are a riot! What a pity that we delayed in getting our tickets and we had to sit so fat back that you were only a dot in the distance. Still, I haven't laughed  so long and hard for ages.

Trail testing

We tested out a new trail today which snaked steeply from Brownhill Creek up into Belair National Park. It was a joy to walk today with the first hint of warm sun on our backs for months. Bring on Spring.

An example

Slavka is a great example of living with kindness to the earth, by not being wasteful with electricity or water. I dream of getting my bills as low as hers. I'm sure living through two wars has taught her a few tricks.

The slow Movement: Making a connection

We live fast paced hectic lives and a movement begun in 1986 in Italy to promote an alternative to fast food, has expanded now to the Slow Movement in an attempt to slow the pace of our lives down and improve the quality of our living. Slow Food Australia is also an organisation worth taking a look at if you love farmer's markets and fresh healthy eating.

Urban Koala

I love the fact that we live in a busy city and still can share the sidewalk with wildlife like this Koala taking a stroll through the suburbs.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Go Aussie Go!

After years of determined trying, Cadel looks set be the first Aussie to win the Tour De France.
Well deserved Cadel.
(photo Herald Sun) my chickens are savage

This Bronze-wing pigeon is regretting the moment it mistakenly entered the chicken coup. Those girls do not like intruders.
Not sure how long feathers take to re-grow but I hope we can keep it alive till then.

The girls get together

Hanging around for a hangi.

Suzanne and Giles treated us all to an amazing feast at their historic Kapunda homestead.
A hangi, beef cooked in true Kiwi/Texan style, wrapped in paper foil and wet burlap bag and buried in hot coals since 11.00 pm the night before. Naturally it was incredibly tender and perfect to accompany the chilli beans and mountain of other food that Suzanne had prepared. Thank you.  :)

Sandy Creek

Friends since babes,
these guys are still
enjoying each other's


The one-o-clocks were in full bloom at the Barossa goldfields walk. Lunch time.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Almost camping

With the Youth Hostel oven smoking us out we tried the brazier and some fridge shelves we found in the shed to cook our sausages.
Sitting around the brazier was delightful.

Cheese heaven

Shopping for a few days away in the Barossa with friends I'm relishing being in my favourite part of the supermarket...trying to decide whether to go with the Gorgonzola or the Roqueforte. Ha! Decisions decisions. So many cheeses, so little time.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rapid Bay views

Blessed with a clear sunny winter day, and needing to digest a sumptuous lunch, we climbed the headland at Rapid Bay with Trish and could see almost to for croatia?

3D copy machine... the future of technology?


Heading out to a 21st without his beloved Jemma, Tim still managed to glam up for the event with a borrowed suit and dad's red braces.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Boy bonding

The joy of computers means that teenage boys don't even have to talk, they can just sit next to each other and communicate through their screens.


It must be holiday time if there is time during the day to do a jigsaw. This one was a murder mystery and we had to make it without a picture and then go on to solve the murder, (which Chrissy did in a second)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Flowering vegetables.

This fantastic cabbage flower was cheering for poor Merryll back  in hospital again, this time with pneumonia.

The Steam (?) Ranger

Heavy rains have meant the small lagoon near our house at Victor is gushing into the see and provides great reflections with the railway bridge and toy trains that pass over it.

Tempting the waves

 The wild seas at Victor only served as temptation for Andrew who...of course got swamped but still could laugh about it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nothing goes right on the outside when nothing is going right on the inside. ~ Mathieu Ricard

Windy roads and soccer

Rushing from one soccer match to the next along windy country roads didn't bode so well for this player.
Poor Bodhi!

Absolutely fabulous 50th

Celebrating in Ab Fab style for Kirsty's 50th.


Lunch at the Boho provided us with this insight today

Monday, July 4, 2011



At Bowling today I accidentally hight the "right lane" button (seemingly) sparking the emergency evacuation alarm and calling the fireys to investigate.
Never a dull moment!


Lizzy and I spotted a very friendly Babe (pet pig) today while walking thorough Mylor. Pepper was fascinated.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Platform party

Lizzy's planning her platform party here on the derelict remnants of the platform in Belair NP where her neighbours on Sheoak Road would board the train to take their produce to town. Access to and from this site is up fairly steep and arduous terrain. They must have been pretty tough back in the day.
And the kids whinge if they have to walk to the bus stop!!!

Warts and all

We came across this warty old tree while exploring new territory on our weekly hike. It's on a 500 acre property 10 minutes from the CBD. Where else in the world would you be able to find that. Also the property manager said we were welcome to explore further on the property whenever we liked.

Making Filo pastry Bosnian style

Slavka tells me that this is the lazy woman's quick lunch for her husband.
The woman can still be chatting to her neighbours over the fence at 1.30pm and yet the pie will be hot and on the table ready for her hungry husband when he returns for lunch at 2.00pm.

It looks like a lot of hard work to me though!
