Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dark skies

Angry grey clouds as I walk the dogs spell a warning for the day's weather, perhaps a storm on the way.

Frustrated musician?

Perhaps angry, or frustrated with his guitar playing, we found a guitar and beautiful case completely trashed in the parklands as we walked home after the movie in the rain.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who says alpacas don't spit.

With no rain for months, 
there is no feed for the alpacas 
and hence hand feeding is necessary. 
However certain black canine creatures 
also like to get involved and hence
this over-enthusiastic helper copped a 
face full of chaff-like alpaca spit.

Cycle fun

Heading off up the freeway and through the tunnels early to beat the 1000s of other cyclists enjoying the liberty of vehicle free cycling, we had a fab and cruisey 50km ride and were done by 10.30am. The Smith Family foundation also raised lots of money on the day too to support disadvantaged kid's education and learning outcomes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Molbile music

Tinkling the ivories on a busy street corner in Adelaide.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The cockatoos have zeroed in on the ripening walnuts and enjoying a fine feast. Leave us some!

First hints of Autumn

Compagnie Luca...womad

Australian aborigines believe that: " the world only exists if pictures are painted and songs are sung about it". Compagnie Lucamore with it's 9 artists and 9 separate rotating canvases provided the lucky viewers at womad just that...telling tales on canvas of war, religion, conquerors and re-birth to the accompaniment of simple but evocative music.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fabulous Fringe

Squeezing himself though not just one racquet  but 2, swallowing a half metre sword and then doing a back bend  while it was still down his throat, and doing a throat balance on an arrow tip, kept us duly entertained at the Fringe tonight.
All in a day's work for these fabulous performers.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Porche time.

Taking the dog for a ride to pick blackberries.

Let the Fringe begin

Fringe advertising al mercado

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Let the Festival begin.

After a fantastic free outdoor concert with Neil Finn and Paul Kelly serenading, the 2013 Festival was officially opened with a bang!

Friday, March 8, 2013


Being short on power lines to throw their shoes over the Tasmanians use fences. Here is an impressive collection.

The Hazards

Looking from Coles Bay across the imposing granite peaks of The Hazards.

Wildlife drinking issue.

The wildlife at Freycinet were not afraid to visit and check out whatever was "on tap."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ok...who's pushing?

Just in the TICK of time.

Luckily this little critter was noticed before he'd burrowed his way into anyone's flesh.

Friday, March 1, 2013


At the Bare Knoll camp site someone has built a nest...for what purpose (?) not sure, but nonetheless it's pretty cool.

A hard life

Struggling to survive on these exposed rocks the coastal flora still retains much beauty.
