Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lean two

The Ceders, Hans Heyson's old residence showcased the work of many local and international artists last week with the works displayed throughout his magnificent property.

Forgotten picnic

Lost in space


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Love is a puppy

Big birthday card

In her usual creative style Rosanna painted a black canvas for friends and relatives alike to paint a message and tell Squeezy how much we love him and wish him a Happy Birthday.

Cruiser cup

This year's Cruiser kicked off on a beautiful April evening with more players than ever and subsequently more cruisers drunk, more music played, more noise made and a visit from the local constabulary.
A good time was had by all and the boys cleaned up beautifully.
Tim and Michael TT took out the coveted trophy this year.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dem boys light up

The boys have raided Andrew's cuban cigar stash...but I guess your 21st is the time to smoke one if ever there was a time.

Sibling love

Rosanna was probably more excited than Tim about his "coming of age" so worked really hard to make the night a success. Thanks. XXXX

Happy 21st Tim

Tim's surprise 21st was a roaring success despite someone letting something slip out on the day.
Family, friends, fine food, cocktails, wine and warm weather plus fab music (thanks Downsie) made the evening a blast...even for the oldies who partied till early ion the morning....Lol


Bodhi shows off his very neat shoulder wound.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Stars of the sea

For some reason today, a plethora of starfish with magical colours and designs to make a mosaic artist weep, washed up onto the shores of our local beach.

Rock pools

Chiton rocks, exposed by the low easter tides gleams in the early morning sun.

Rare and endangered Hooded Plovers

Very few breeding pairs of the Hooded Plover  remain on the Fleurieau now, so pop your dog on a leash and protect the remaining few.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


My brave boy faced the operating table and knife 
in the hands of the wonderful Peter Cundy 
who did the repairs to his smashed shoulder

Operating theatre fashion

Let the chocolate feast begin

Oh Easter...where has the religion gone?

Early winter bloomer

Amazing Sasanqua Camelia in Ady's garden


A blazing dawn sky
over Port Elliot
initiates another
brilliant day on
the South Coast

Dawn sky

We have only now, only this single moment 
opening and unfolding before us, day and night.
~ Jack Kornfield.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Book Launch

Lovely Nikki Lovell launched her book on the weekend "We are One Village" to and enthusiastic crown at the SA Writer's Office.
It tells of her adventures as a 17 year old in Uganda and her inspiration to set up the fabulous NGO "One Village" which supports the community of Namwenda in Uganda.

Monday, April 2, 2012

No woman no Cry

The year 9 Drama productions, pulled together in a very short time were a huge success...and very funny.

The path to your heart's desire is never overgrown~a Ugandan proverb


Paragliders at Noarlunga line the cliff tops in the perfect on-shore-wind conditions.

Outdoor tango

As we cycle by the tango dancers in McLarenvale I realise it's time for Andrew and I to get our dancing shoes back on and practice this seductive dance once more.

Our next mosaic project?
