Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adios Australia

Tim and Jemma head on out on their big adventure ...first stop DOHO (?)

The weeping family...not!

The Wohlings look pretty excited to see Jemma leave.

Merry Christmas...the family gathers

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Early morning light at Chiton...walking the dogs again while the rest of the world sleeps.
A beautiful time of the day to be alive.

Rock Pools

Rock pools at Knight's Beach

Spekky sunrise

Pre-dawn dog walking has been a highlight of my day recently, especially here at Watson's Gap where the views are so spectacular.

Beach Shoes?

Rosanna's new Gladys Sim Choon purchase, shoes which add about a metre to her leg length. Of course she had to wear them onto the beach to sow them off. A bit different to the other varieties on display here...Crocks, Berks, Vans etc.

Coastal Mosaic Art

Some creative person at the end of our street in Victor Harbor has been mosaicing on the stoby poles and it's a fabulous representation of some of the beauties of the coast. Very talented and creative.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Love is :-)

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” – Billy, age 4

Love is:-

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” ~Bobby, aged 7

Friday, December 16, 2011

Buddhist Seasons Greetings

The prayer flags are sending the seasons Best Wishes to all at this festive time of the year.


The family Christmas  AGM  was followed by a delightful dinner at Giallo and the following day by a headache signifying a "dirty glass"(?)            


Compassion for ourselves gives rise to the power to transform resentment into forgiveness, hatred into friendliness, and fear into respect for all beings. ~ Jack Kornfield


Happiness is seeing a man ironing by the wam glow of the evening light.
Well my happiness anyway...maybe not his happiness.

The key (to happiness) is changing our habits and, in particular, the habits of our mind. ~ Pema Chodron.

Italian Karaoke

Surely it's a mistake...Italian Karaoke????
But no, this year's break up for the Italian students was at FILEF and everyone was in fine form singing along to the subtitled youtube videos up on the screen.
Such passion!

A thistle in time

I know they're a noxious weed, but the thistles on the Long Ridge track of the  Chambers Gully walk are in their blooming prime at the moment and a feast for the abundant bees.


I should have realised there was trouble afoot when I saw that Maxi had grown a white beard...sure enough she'd got into the freshly shawn Alpaca fleeces and strewn them across the lawn.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Once again we bravely faced the locomotive...feeling the tracks buzzing just before watching it burst out from the tunnel in the Belair N.P. today.
It always gives me a thrill to see so much screaming metal on the steel rails...but poor Maxie, unused to the noise and vibration, was completely freaked out.'s a far better use of resources than trucks on the roads.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Railway vandals

We were pondering on how the vandals could get into this railway signal box...but not for long.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aussie percebes

This remnant of a sea platform washed up on the shores of chiton rocks hosted a thousand still squirming barnacles and reminded me of the delicious sea critters I was eating in Spain recently, called percebes.

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.” ~ Austin Phelps

Gandy's Gully

Gandy's Gully was exciting new terrain for us and we felt like intrepid explorers finding our way up the wild and snaky Gully then onto the ridge for spectacular views and a precipitous descent.
The log book at the cairn on the top held signatures and notes from walkers back over the last 3 years.
We LOVED it!!!

Gandy's gully

Looking a little hot around the gills after the steep hike up the gully. Luckily the views over the city and the remoteness were worth it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Blooming beauties

Stunning roadside blooms...look like dogwood but not sure.

No strings attached?

If you want to eat unhealthy food there'll be strings attached as Ryder's friend found out at his party.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Shark attack victim?

There are obviously deadly creatures lurking in the dark waters here that have already feasted on this girl's legs.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dog training in the parklands

All these are schnauzers and all are totally different...colours, shapes, dimensions, and hair curliness. Wild!
