Monday, January 31, 2011

Fowl play

The newest members of the Maeder family arrived today and we'd like to wish them a long and fruitful life with free.

Ice that wine! 31/01/11

Celebrating Jemma's 19th with an icy glass of white wine. 
Can you fit a little more ice in please Andrew?

Splash down 30/01/11

The kids have at least worked out how to keep cool.

Defeat at the hands of the Central Coast 29/01/11

The oppressive heat obviously affected the normally stellar performance of the Reads tonight and saw them go down 2-1. It was equally fiery on the side lines fo the spectators.

Feeling trapped

Bees at the Mill found a great place to take respite from the heat but sadly couldn't once inside they couldn't get out. The floor of the studio is thick with their tiny bodies and the hone-dripped plastic sheeting is evidence of their attempts at escape.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adelaide Central Market Jan 28th

Dinner at the market on a friday night is always a treat. Perhaps it will become a regular feature both of the blog and of our life.

Facing fears Jan 27th.

"Fear is what happens when reality collides with our personal fiction." Lama Tsony, Tricycle.
Today I faced my fear of "the freight train" as I walked Pepper along the tracks.

Australia Day 2011

What better way to spend Australia Day but at a "One Day" match of International Cricket at the Adelaide Oval with friends.

Summer Nights Jan 25th

"Looking at a sunset, just for a second you forget your separateness: you are the sunset." Osho

Katharina and the 8 Apostles. Jan 24th

Heading home via the Great Ocean Road with views out to the diminishing number of apostles.

Family gathering January 23rd.

The Needham clan

Australia Day celebrations January 22nd

The family excelled themselves in their Aussie Day get ups. The bogans were certainly out in force, the wine tasting a treat and everybody had a ball. Sorry Katharina, despite the convincing appearance, the Needham family is not really like this all the time.

The Otways January 22nd

The primordial Otway forest from the Otway Fly 

"The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life activity; it affords protection to all beings,offering shade even to the axe-man who destroys it. "
 Gautama Buddha

Needham Family Reunion Johanna Beach Jan 21st

The family reunion at Johanna was not only fab for the brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents to catch up but also the multitude of dogs had a chance to socialise as well.

Carey Green rock pools...Cape Schank January 20th

 Carey Green, along the magical Cape Schank coastline, was especially beautiful today with crystal clear aqua pools and water temperatures that didn't stop your heart inviting us all to take the plunge...
We are so lucky to have access to such pristine beauty and the time to enjoy it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Full Moon over Western Port Bay 19/01/11

"Three things cannot be hidden...
the sun, the moon and the truth."  
The Buddha, 

Flinders Golf

Andrew  playing a magnificent round of golf in a magnificent location

18/01/11 Today we went to the Maze at Arthur's Seat on the Mornington Peninsula.  The gardens, mazes, puzzles and carvings were all great (including the 3D one) and we all had a ball. Below is an example of my favourite maze, a bricked path set in a lawn reminiscent of the ones made in the middle ages (Unicursal mazes) which were laid out on the floors of cathedrals  so monks could meander in prayer and meditation without getting lost or bumping into each other as they follow a single path. In a small area you can wander a significant distance.  I’d love to make one at home.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Your LIFE is your message"

Through your attitudes, beliefs thoughts, words and actions, through everything that drives your choices and decisions, you write your "message" on a daily basis...Stephanie Dowrick

"Los Viernes al mercado" or "What's a Friday if you're not at the market."

Book Suggestion

Lovesong: Alex Miller 

Ken, an ageing writer, returns to Melbourne from Venice to find a new addition to his neighbourhood, a smart pastry shop called Figlia Fiorentino. The proprietor is an attractive middle-aged dark woman: North African, he assumes. Ken's life appears to be in limbo; his wife has died and he shares the family home with his 38-year-old daughter, professionally but not emotionally successful. His most recent novel, The Farewell, was to be his last. One day at the local baths he observes a middle-aged Australian man playing with a young child, obviously his daughter yet much darker in complexion. He has seen them at the pastry shop. They strike up a conversation and so a friendship begins......

Quote of the Day

"Mistakes are not deadly". In the Course of  a lifetime we can never know in advance which events are going to support or teach us most. "Stephanie Dowrick...Choosing Happiness"
