Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Together again.

Mum and both babies relieved to be reunited in the breathing world. 
Well done Natasha and Paul! 

Freshly squeezed

Baby Aurra minutes after her birth and half an hour before her twin brother Einar arrived. Birth sure us a miracle. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The poo log

The guest book at the mccabes is in the toilet and gives one the opportunity to be creative with their daily ablutions. There is even space for those creative ones amongst us to draw their sample.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yorkshire "Tour de France"

North Yorkshire is gearing up for the  "tour de France" which starts here in 2014!

Anyone feel like a fry up?

Our local Abbey ruins

Walk your way across England

One of the many walking paths that criss cross thorough this country, remnant of ancient pathways that today's local farmers cannot change or prohibit.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter is coming

A taste of cold yet to come to North Yorkshire 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


One of the many gates leading into the centuries old, walled city of York with its narrow alleyways cobbled streets and very festive Christmas atmosphere.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cattle sales at Malton

Paul and I took the opportunity to join with the local farmers at the weekly cattle market. The bulls were first judged and  awarded prizes then, wearing their merit badges and ranking numbers they were lined up in the corral, first to be weighed then paraded...with the onloookers silently nodding their bids.
The red glowing digits record the weght of the animal and the bids are in pence/kilo.
The beasts sold for up to $2300 each....to the happy butchers around the ring. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A visit to the tailor

For three centuries this tailor shop, next door to Natasha and Paul's Yew Tree cottage, has been in operation, handed down from generation to generation. These days Peter is still making garments for the high and mighty but spend the majority of his time outfitting riders for the hunt. His scissors handed down from his father have NEVER been sharpened

A brace of pheasants

In preparation for the festive season the wild games is lined up outside the local butchers...a bargain if you're prepared to do the plucking

Joy of flying

The best thing about flying is having a window seat to gaze at the amazingly diverse world of humanity continuing  it's daily routines below. Here I can see hundreds of ships coming and going around the port of Singapore and I can imagine the smells and the humidity they must be enduring.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Heading out

Bags packed ready to go...York and babies here I come!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Floating gems

Theses brilliantly coloured fuchsias looked like floating balloons on the glass like water.

Chocolate art.

These hand made chocolates were each a different work of art and flavour.

Some people have no respect

Tim decided the Buddha head was the BEST place ti dry his boots.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Climate Action NOW!

Yesterday's Climate Action rallies throughout Australia brought 60,000 people out to ask for more action towards renewable energy alternatives and planning for a sustainable future. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing our younger generation and the Government have not shown the Australian public that they have any credible climate change policy.
It's time to demand that they protect our children's future.

For Rosanna the knitting queen

A knitteed tree trunk warmer outside the library in Stirling.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Testing the swing chair.

Andrew's latest timber construction is a beautiful wooden garden swing, perfect for reflection in the garden on a hot summer day.

Worm or snake?

When confronted with this wriggler this morning I had to look very carefully to see whether its 10 inch body was actually nematode or serpent.

Land based Lotuses

These magnificent artichokes remind me of lotuses...out of water!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Home made music

The year 12 Project at the Waldorf can be anything,  but it must take a year of development and planning. This is Oliver Behrndt's plastic pipe glockenspiel..tuned pitch perfect and a fabulous donation for the school.
I'd love to try to make one too, one day...

A day at the races

Chinggis Maeder

The donkeys are back

 The first orchids of the season are delighting the hikers in Belair,

Halloween Aussie style.

Pot of Gold

The perfect rainbow that stretched over the Hindmarsh stadium perhaps provided the luck needed for the Reds to win the first and only game for the season.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Brilliant pure white Kangaroo paw at Lesueur NP

Leseur National Park

This Park boasts 900 different floral species and it seemed most of them were in flower, when we visited. With it's proximity to the white sand dunes and the sea it was quite a feast for the eyes. We counted over 100 varieties of wild flowers.

Seafood Feast

Delicious fresh seafood...the taste of the season in Cervantes...including crayfish!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Father son bonding

Love for life


Bodhi watches on as Andrew launches himself from above

The Pinnacles W.A.

Nambung National Park more commonly known as "the Pinnacles" is another of Nature's treasures with its ancient limestone peaks jutting from the sand after the sea receded 25-35,000 years ago. the Nesting Galahs were an added bonus as the sun lengthened the shadows.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Almost equal.

Brothers stretching upwards together. Not long now Tim before your baby brother towers over you.
