Saturday, June 30, 2012

A sanctuary in the smog

So nice to step into the bamboo garden courtyard hotel and step away from the millions of beijingese the bustle and the noise. Ahhhh what a relief.

Gate of heavenly peace

In drenching rain the crowds lined up for hours in "the famous Beijing square that cannot be named in the same sentence as the words as peaceful demonstration with tanks" to see chairman Mao in his glass sarcophagus. The 44 hectare square is cleaned by guys cruising around on small mopeds.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Let's Walk together

'Walk Together' is an opportunity for all Australians to join together in celebration of our diversity and in recognition that for the sake of our future we need to learn to 'walk together'. We are Aboriginal Australians. We are refugees. We are migrants; old and new. We are asylum seekers. Many Stories. One Community. It's time we walked as equals. It's time to Walk Together.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cultural Diversity

"When good people do nothing bad things happen. Let's do something good." Walk Together' is an opportunity for all Australians to join together in celebration of our diversity and in recognition that for the sake of our future we need to learn to 'walk together'. The Adelaide event will gather at the Northern end of Victoria Square @ 1pm and walk down King William Street to the Elder Park rotunda, where there will be a multicultural festival, showcasing the beauty of our cultural diversity. See you there

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No room for misogynistic video clips.

Open wide!!!!

My morning at the dentist..

What the hell?

Hard to imagine what this is ...but sadly it's an x-ray of my teeth..


Mr Bodhi show us all how well his shoulder has healed by lifting up both his wee cousins at the same time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tulip time

Did you know that tulips keep growing in the vase even after their stems are cut?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

White as snow

Long gully in Belair looked like it had been freshly painted with snow this morning as the frost waited for the sun to warm it back to the usual winter green.

Frosty leaves

The crisp wintry morning left the leaves and paths an unusual magic white this morning.

Hanging in the balance


Christian Marclay's exhibition entitled "clocks" at the MCA in Sydney was an amazing seamless cinematic masterpiece. A collage of 100s of films from the silent b/ws to te most recent mission impossible all highlighting clocks and/or the passing of time. Well worth "losing" a few hours watching.

Soccer rockers

Tim's year 8/9 girl's team rock with another easy win against Wilderness.

The rodent's demise

We were lucky to watch the feeding of Mcleay's serpent Sinbad. Not so lucky was the mouse that disappeared whole down through the dislocating Jaws.

Wind swept in Sydney

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus shines on the sun

For those of us lucky enough to get into the city today the astrological enthusiasts had set up their massive telescopes on the Festival Plaza for the public to view the solar eclipse of Venus transiting across the face of the sun. This is a photo that I took through the lens of one of these giants. Venus of course is the black dot at 7:00. We also had the opportunity to purchase solar eclipse cardboard glasses which meant  I could share this fantastic event with lots of others.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Venus transits the Sun.

This Wednesday June 6th will be last Transit of Venus in this CENTURY Don't miss it!The transit begins at 08:16 EST and continues until 14:44. Dont' look directly at the sun!
It won't happen again until December 2117. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Vivid Sydney

The streets and buildings light up magnificently with moving collages and images on the Custom House and the Museum of Contemporary Art
